0 ) { $result = $result - 1; $title=mysql_result($query,$result,"home_title"); $text=mysql_result($query,$result,"home_text"); $linkliabilityreferences=mysql_result($query,$result,"liabilityreferences_title"); } ?>





UTL International is a rising enterprise, that his services fashionable and in a new style without any economical opportunism offers and moves.

Our constancy in the cooperation with our partners in all Economy- and economic fields reflects the soul in our action, that apart from the achieving of profits again and again the human being and so that the customer and his contentment puts into the foreground.

The countries co-operating with us in addition profit by an extensive care with regard to the deliberation and conversion of projects, this cooperation allows simultaneously a room for private investors in different sectors of the economy.

In this case is put from UTL International always on sportsmanship worth, for this purpose we are engaged to our customers.

An emphasis in the co-operations of UTL International lies in the Africa continent, the cradle of the mankind and that continent wounded by the so called modern people with his healthy soul - we all should carry a piece of Africa with us, from that UTL International appeals for a market with sportsmanship and care opposite the nature , that we are indebted to our earth spaceship .

Thank you